Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Integration of ICTs into the classroom is happening...

How inspiring is it to see what you are learning about integrating ICTs into the classroom, making the learning experience authentic? I find this video from Edutopia enlightening. There are so many ways to get the students involved in their own learning and use real data. Not all schools would have such a selection of technology, but the pedagogical strategies are the same.

Notice the comments from the students about feeling part of the class, enjoying working together. It's the applying, evaluating, creating and 'doing' that prepares students for their lifelong learning journey.

This is just a short entry today, I think the video says more than I can today.



  1. Hi Johanna

    What a great video it really shows the numerous ways that ICTs can enhance learning and it was inspiring to hear how the students enjoyed working together and had that sense of 'belonging' in the class.

    Good find!

    All the best

  2. Hi Anjali and Hannah,
    Can you imagine using so much technology in the classsroom and using examples to work on that are so authentic. Using the records from the athletes training in maths to help them train better. Lots of motivation there.

    The only issue with text messages is cost. Did you spot the interactive multiple choice? Brilliant way to get the students actively involved and not too expensive.

    I would love the students in all schools to have laptop and free internet access, even from Year one.


  3. Hi Johanna
    Yes I did wonder about the cost! But I really agree with you on the laptops and Internet access from Year 1 - I hope this does become the 'norm' in the not too distant future.
    All the best
